Sagittarius Moon enthusiasm early today makes way for an ambitious Capricorn Moon and a few character building obstacles later today and tomorrow. Meet them with grace. I am taking a two-week break and will return with daily astrology information on April 7. Have you signed up for my free monthly astrology newsletter? I’ll be sending out planet information for April. Sign up at
As Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, you are imaginative but also gullible. This is a good day to create or meditate, but double-check what people tell you.
As Venus in Aquarius sextiles Uranus and a Libra Moon conjuncts Mars, be sensitive to the needs of others while also honoring your need for independence.
Pay attention to what people aren’t saying as Mercury enters Pisces. The quieter you are, the more you will hear. Read poetry, watch birds, enjoy a sunset. Mercury will remain in Pisces until April 7.
Stressed or relaxed? Content or unhappy? Use today’s Full Moon in Virgo to invest in your emotional wellbeing and commit to taking better care of yourself.
As Mercury in Aquarius trines retrograde Mars in Libra, you have the opportunity to reconnect with people who can be helpful to you. Use this time to reach out.
People do all they can to help you as the Pisces Sun trines Saturn in Scorpio. You’ll see the best results if you don’t try to push forward anything that isn’t ready to move.
As a Cancer Moon opposes Pluto and Mercury squares Saturn, keep your emotions in check, show people that you are trustworthy and can deliver on your promises.
Are you feeling overwhelmed or overscheduled? Today’s security-conscious Cancer Moon encounters challengers and helpers. Invest in a good self-care plan and don’t let oversensitivity stop you from making good choices.
As a Gemini Moon trines Mercury in Aquarius and retrograde Mars in Libra, people will help you if you put in the extra effort and do what you say you’ll do.
Venus enters Aquarius today: It’s time to socialize. Spend time with friends, join groups, meet new people, attend events, go to parties. Venus will be in Aquarius until April 5.
A contentious environment and those with competing agendas, can’t stop influential people from giving you the help you need as the Pisces Sun sextiles powerful Pluto in Capricorn.
Saturn turns retrograde in Scorpio: Take care of business, keep your inner control-freak in check, and shore up the foundation for your future plans. Saturn will remain retrograde through July 20.
As Mars turns retrograde in Libra, you may be second-guessing what you want—or who you want. The past holds clues. Pay attention. Mars will be retrograde until May 20.